We at MIKOV&ATTORNEYS are specialised in defending victims of hacking involving Bulgarian physical and / or legal persons.
Hacking is the act of exploiting another machine’s vulnerabilities in order to gain access and control over it, in order to cause damage to the person, by deleting, stealing information from the machine, or shutting the machine down, causing what’s called “downtime”. Hacking has many forms, but one of the most popular ones is, via network. While modern machines have operating systems, and sometimes advanced routers, can stop this kind of unathorized behaviour, most of the attacks target users themselves, by “phishing” the user into downloading the malware and executing it on the computer with his rights.
Hackers decide who to hack based on many factors, and they have practically no chance to hack a person who is careful enough. Usually, hackers pick low-hanging fruits, such as, non-tech savvy people, for ransom, that is, asking them for a price in order to unlock their PC. Or large corporations, often for sabotaging and causing “downtime” towards their services, most often, institutions. Hackers nowadays are pretty much a thing of the past, since computers and routers get daily updates with a lot of security “patches” for a single hacker to handle, thats why, they are organizing into hacker groups, like the famous hacker group, “Anonymous”. Hacker groups often have predefined goal. For example, “Anonymous” is an anti-government group.
Key Expertise:
Hacking is the act of exploiting another machine’s vulnerabilities in order to gain access and control over it, in order to cause damage to the person, by deleting, stealing information from the machine, or shutting the machine down, causing what’s called “downtime”.
Hacking has many forms, but one of the most popular ones is, via network.
Password hacking
Most often, password hacking occurs on an individual level, this mean that the person is known ahead of time and the hacker is targeting them for something that they want.
Although there are many ways of getting someones password, there are few that are most popular.
Email hacking
Email hacking occurs when a hacker breaches into the email service provider, or uses social-engineering to trick the user into phishing websites or even make the victim give his password.
Danger comes from the fact that once the hacker has access to your email he can read all of your messages, including ones for website registrations, since many of the websites require your email and password to log in.
Computer hacking
Hacking or computer hacking, is a term that started out as a definition for a person, who helps other people with setting up their computers.
While surprisingly the term is still around, it is not used that widely anymore to specify someone that is proficient in computers, rather, the hacking is broken down to multiple “hats” of different colors.
Let’s take a look at black and white hat hackers.
Network hacking
Network hacking is the means of exploiting the infrastructure of computers and printers of a given network to gain access to them.
Every program that wants to listen and receive connections needs a port on which the communication must happen over. Ports are they way of identifying where to exactly send the traffic, since there can be many programs on the computers which communicate.
For example, the operating system on startup might communicate with internet to view if there are any pending updates, a lot of programs also do this practice, on startup check for updates.
Wire fraud
We defend victims of cyber fraud involving Bulgarian physical and / or legal persons.
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